Build a 100 Day Action Plan with Your Covid 19 Rapid Response Team in One Day

Robert Hargrove is a masterful facilitator.

– John Young, Under Secretary of Defense

The Covid 19 Crisis has left us disrupted, divided, and in disaster recovery mode.

We offer skilled facilitation and a powerful and unique process for helping decision makers build a 100 Day Action Plan.

It is designed to help you capture the collective intelligence of your group in dealing with the dilemmas, puzzles, conundrums you are facing. 

Whether to shut your state or city down to visitors or open

Whether to open schools or close them down (or do a hybrid)

Whether to mandate masks or not

Whether to affirm the police or the Black Lives Matter protestors

When to stick with your traditional business model or re-imagine it

Our 100 Day Planning Process will help you and your team figure out what to do, when you don’t know what to do. 

Plans are nothing. Planning is everything.  -Dwight Eisenhower

Get beyond the “smartest man in the room” syndrome.

Engage your group in a real quality of dialogue

Find “think outside the box” solutions to:

» Stop the spread of the virus

» Decide how to open schools and colleges

» Bring police and Black Lives Matter leaders together

» Remodel your business model

 The first 100 day planning process is based on decades of successful experience in politics, business, education, professional sports.

How the 100 Day Planner Works

Establish a shared purpose that everyone can subordinate their egos to

Bring all stakeholder together in the same room (in person or Zoom)

SCAN: Gain insight into the problem and solutions

FOCUS: Focus on best path forward

ACT: Come up with a 100 Day Action Plan

Rapidly start implementing in days, not weeks

Measure what matters